Tenseishita Daiseijo wa, Seijo Dearu Koto wo Hitakakusu: A Tale of The Great Saint
Status Em curso
Tipo Manga
Lançado em 2019

Tenseishita Daiseijo wa, Seijo Dearu Koto wo Hitakakusu: A Tale of The Great Saint

['A Tale of the Secret Saint', "La grande Sainte réincarnée cache que c'en est une.", 'A Tale of the Great Saint', '転生した大聖女は、聖女であることをひた隠す A Tale of the Great Saint', '轉生了的大聖女,拼死隱瞞自己身為聖女', '转生了的大圣女,拼死隐瞒自己身为圣女', '전생한 대성녀는 성녀임을 숨긴다', 'Tensei shita Daiseijo wa, Seijo de aru koto wo Hitakakusu: A Tale of The Great Saint']

Sinopse de Tenseishita Daiseijo wa, Seijo Dearu Koto wo Hitakakusu: A Tale of The Great Saint
